DLP-IOR4 DeviceThe DLP-IOR4 offers 4 general purpose self latching relays. The relays can switch between two different signals, or they can be used to create simple on/off circuits. Each relay has 3 output pins. One is a "common" and the other two are called A and B. For each relay, the common, A, and B are wired to a screw terminal block. Under program control, the relay common switches between A and B. Once a relay switches, it remembers its state, even after power cycling. Device OperationThe Virtual Wiring IOR4 Device has 8 terminals. The terminals are called "1", "2", "3", "4", and "1S", "2S", "3S", "4S". Terminals 1-4 are input terminals and they control each of the four relays. Terminals 1S-4S are output terminals, and they preset the Device status for each of the 4 relays. Under normal operation, terminals 1S-4S track the values on terminals 1-4. When an input terminal (1-4) receives an InstallationTo install an IOR4 device, plug one into a spare USB port on your host system. Next run the IOR4 Script in the DLP directory. The parameters for the IOR4 Script are: port_location :
ExampleTo add a DLP-IOR4 Device with ID "ior4" and port_location "/dev/ttyUSB0", run the IOR4 Script with the following parameters: