Omniwheel Bot Program for a Bot with 2 Joysticks
# Description: Virtual Device Module that controls an Omniwheel
# Bot using a joystick. Assumes a Wicked Device V1 Motor Shield or an
# Adafruit V2 Motor Shield.
# Modified original code so uses a second joystick - causes bot to rotate.
require "thread"
module VdOmniWheelBotController
# Create and return the thread that will control the Omniwheel Bot.
# This thread polls the event queue and uses the events it finds to control
# the Bot.
def bot_thread
return do
@x1, @y1, @x2, @y2 = nil,nil, nil, nil # init joystick values
# main loop - process joystick events and control the Bot
loop do
event = @event_queue.deq
if val = event["joy_x"]
@x1 = val
elsif val = event["joy_y"]
@y1 = val
# check for values from our 2nd joystick
elsif val = event["joy2_x"]
@x2 = val
elsif val = event["joy2_y"]
# we don't use this value - available for a new function
@y2 = val
p "unexpected event: #{event.inspect}"
# if have all x & ys from joysticks, can run things
if @x1 && @y1 && @x2
x1, y1, x2 = normalize(@x1, @y1, @x2)
# set the motor speeds
set_speed(x1, y1, x2)
rescue Exception
# say why we crashed in the log
p "Error: bot thread has terminated: #{$!}"
# Takes raw joystick values and normalizes them to work with the Bot.
# This Bot code wants pwm values in the range -100 to +100.
# Uses the first samples to calibrate the joysticks.
def normalize(x1, y1, x2)
if !@calibrated
@calibrated = true
@x1_center, @y1_center, @x2_center = x1, y1, x2
# subtract out the calibration
x1, y1, x2 = (x1 - @x1_center), (y1 - @y1_center), (x2 - @x2_center)
# ignore small deviations when idling (noise)
(x1.abs == 1) && (x1 = 0)
(y1.abs == 1) && (y1 = 0)
(x2.abs == 1) && (x2 = 0)
# scale value so full range and return the result
[4 * x1, 4 * y1, 4 * x2]
# Set the bot's speed and direction based on an (x1,y1,x2) vector. x2 is
# the x coordinate of a 2nd joystick - we use it for rotation.
# Works for Wicked Motor Shield.
# Speed magnitude will be between 0 and 100.
def wickeddevice_set_speed(x1,y1,x2)
# set the shift_reg and m1-3 variables
# initialize to hard stop
shift_reg = 0xffff
m1 = m2 = m3 = 0
# see if moving
if x1 != 0 || y1 != 0 || x2 != 0
# moving
angle, mag = get_angle_and_mag(x1, y1)
# get motor speeds, given speed and direction (angle)
# add in rotation
m1 = (Math.cos(angle) * mag).round - x2
m2 = (Math.cos(angle + Math::PI*2/3) * mag).round - x2
m3 = (Math.cos(angle + Math::PI*4/3) * mag).round - x2
# set direction in the shift register - on Wicked Device Motor Shield
shift_reg = 0
shift_reg |= 0x2000 if m1 < 0
shift_reg |= 0x800 if m2 < 0
shift_reg |= 0x200 if m3 < 0
# make motor speeds positive integers
m1 = m1.abs
m2 = m2.abs
m3 = m3.abs
# send information to the bot, if it's changed
generate_event("shift_reg" => shift_reg) if @shift_reg != shift_reg
generate_event("m1_pwm"=>m1) if m1 != @m1_pwm
generate_event("m2_pwm"=>m2) if m2 != @m2_pwm
generate_event("m3_pwm"=>m3) if m3 != @m3_pwm
# remember what we've sent
@shift_reg = shift_reg
@m1_pwm = m1
@m2_pwm = m2
@m3_pwm = m3
# Set the bot's speed and direction based on an (x1,y1,x2) vector. x2 is
# the x coordinate of a 2nd joystick - we use it for rotation.
# Works for Adafruit Motor Shield.
# Speed magnitude will be between 0 and 100.
def adafruit_set_speed(x1,y1,x2)
# set the shift_reg and m1-3 variables
# init with hard stop
m1_pwm, m1_in1, m1_in2 = 0, "off", "off"
m2_pwm, m2_in1, m2_in2 = 0, "off", "off"
m3_pwm, m3_in1, m3_in2 = 0, "off", "off"
# see if moving
if x1 != 0 || y1 != 0 || x2 != 0
angle, mag = get_angle_and_mag(x1, y1)
# get motor speeds, given speed and direction (angle)
# add in rotation
m1 = (Math.cos(angle) * mag).round - x2
m2 = (Math.cos(angle + Math::PI*2/3) * mag).round - x2
m3 = (Math.cos(angle + Math::PI*4/3) * mag).round - x2
# set direction
m1_in1, m1_in2 = "on", "off" if m1 > 0
m1_in1, m1_in2 = "off", "on" if m1 < 0
m2_in1, m2_in2 = "on", "off" if m2 > 0
m2_in1, m2_in2 = "off", "on" if m2 < 0
m3_in1, m3_in2 = "on", "off" if m3 > 0
m3_in1, m3_in2 = "off", "on" if m3 < 0
# set speeds
m1_pwm, m2_pwm, m3_pwm = m1.abs, m2.abs, m3.abs
# update terminals, if changes
generate_event("m1_pwm" => m1_pwm) if m1_pwm != @m1_pwm
generate_event("m1_in1" => m1_in1) if m1_in1 != @m1_in1
generate_event("m1_in2" => m1_in2) if m1_in2 != @m1_in2
generate_event("m2_pwm" => m2_pwm) if m2_pwm != @m2_pwm
generate_event("m2_in1" => m2_in1) if m2_in1 != @m2_in1
generate_event("m2_in2" => m2_in2) if m2_in2 != @m2_in2
generate_event("m3_pwm" => m3_pwm) if m3_pwm != @m3_pwm
generate_event("m3_in1" => m3_in1) if m3_in1 != @m3_in1
generate_event("m3_in2" => m3_in2) if m3_in2 != @m3_in2
# remember
@m1_pwm, @m1_in1, @m1_in2 = m1_pwm, m1_in1, m1_in2
@m2_pwm, @m2_in1, @m2_in2 = m2_pwm, m2_in1, m2_in2
@m3_pwm, @m3_in1, @m3_in2 = m3_pwm, m3_in1, m3_in2
# Get and angle and magnitude vector given an (x,y) point.
# Returns an array with the angle and magnitude
def get_angle_and_mag(x, y)
angle = Math.atan2(y,x)
# get magnitude
original_mag = (x**2 + y**2)**(0.5)
# normalize joystick to a circle, given x/y's follow a square
new_a = angle.abs
new_a = Math::PI - new_a if new_a >= Math::PI/2
new_a = Math::PI/2 - new_a if new_a >= Math::PI/4
mag = [original_mag * Math.cos(new_a), 100].min # 100 max
[angle, mag]
# Virtual device method for processing terminal events.
# Inputs are a hash where keys are terminal names and values are terminal
# values.
# Keep this method short and fast, so we don't hold up the callback thread.
# Return value must be an event hash. Return an empty hash if no event,
# and a terminal/value hash (like the inputs hash) for creating events.
def respond_to_inputs(inputs, outputs = {})
# put all events of interest into our event queue
# bot thread will read them out when it can
inputs.each do |key, val|
if ["joy_x", "joy_y", "joy2_x", "joy2_y"].include?(key)
if terminal_dids.include?(key)
# ok, we generated something we don't care about
print "Unexpected input: #{key.inspect}\n" # log this
outputs # return nothing - no events generated from here
# Define the terminals that a Wicked Device Shield uses.
def wickeddevice_terminal_dids
%W(joy_x joy_y joy2_x joy2_y m1_pwm m2_pwm m3_pwm shift_reg)
# Define the terminals that an Adafruit Shield uses.
def adafruit_terminal_dids
%W(joy_x joy_y joy2_x joy2_y
m1_pwm m1_in1 m1_in2
m2_pwm m2_in1 m2_in2
m3_pwm m3_in1 m3_in2)
# Set up for an Adafruit motor shield.
# Define Adafruit specific methods as generic ones.
def adafruit_shield_init
class << self
alias set_speed adafruit_set_speed
alias terminal_dids adafruit_terminal_dids
# Set up for a Wicked Device motor shield.
# Define Wicked Device specific methods as generic ones.
def wickeddevice_shield_init
class << self
alias set_speed wickeddevice_set_speed
alias terminal_dids wickeddevice_terminal_dids
# Generic initialization routine for setting up this controller.
def controller_init
@event_queue =
set_speed(0,0,0) # stop, initialize instance variables
# start up bot thread
@bot_thread = bot_thread()
end # module